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Dating Tips of the Week on How to Meet,
Attract, and Seduce Single Women

"Dating Tips of Week" July 28, 2008 featuring the latest dating tips for men on how to get more dates, improve your relationships and sex life, experience more love, intimacy, romance and surefire techniques, strategies, and methods on how to successfully score with hot & sexy single women.

First Date - 3 Tips Men Need to Know By Kim Sarrasin

I known how tough it can be for men trying to figure out what women want - especially on a first date when you don't know much about the woman sitting across from you.

Unfortunately for men, women really do think that you can read their mind. Women assume that you have picked up on all the subtle (really subtle!) clues that they've given you and will show up on the date knowing EXACTLY how she wants the entire evening to go.

So if you can't read a woman's mind, how can you make a good impression?

Well, having coached hundreds of women for the past 12 years I've had plenty of opportunity to hear what women want a first date to look like. So, to ease the pressure for all the guys out there dating - and to help you 'read their mind' a little - I'm giving you a list of the top 3 'wants' that stand out.

For some men, these tips might be obvious and something you're already doing. That's great! For those of you who might be a little rusty, I encourage you to make all three a constant practice.

1) Chivalry

Opening the door, helping her with her coat, letting her enter the restaurant first and pulling out her chair are all things that women appreciate. As a man, you may have tried this in the past and found women not very receptive to these small gestures. Please forgive those who don't respond positively. Women are still striving for equality and sometimes take these small chivalrous acts as an affront to their independence. I encourage you to ignore any negative response you get and do it anyway. Believe me, they'll go home remembering how nice it felt.

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2) Ask Questions

All men want to make a great first impression and sometimes how you do this is by listing off all of your accomplishments and what you've produced out in the world. This may work well when you're relating with other men, but it doesn't work with women. She may politely listen, but what she really wants is for you to get the attention back on her. Women love attention and the best way to keep attention on her is to ask questions. Find out what she's passionate about, her favorite trip, who she loves the most in her family, who her best friend is and why their best friends etc...

3) Call The Next Day, I repeat, Call The Next Day

Nothing tears a woman up inside more then when she has a fun date with a man doesn't hear from him for a week. I understand as a man a first date is like a job interview. If you had an interview with a company, you wouldn't call the next day to find out if you got the job because it might make you look desperate. What works in the business world has the opposite effect in the dating world with women. If you don't email or call the next day - even if it's just to say you "had a great time" - she'll start to think something's wrong. After 2 days she's hurt and doubting herself. After 4 days she's annoyed and doubting YOU. By day 7 you're toast! Even if you don't plan to date her again, send an email thanking her and "wish her well".

Sending you lots of love and wishing you tremendous dating and relationship success!

Kim Sarrasin is a Relationship Expert, Mentor and Speaker who helps men and women "Solve the mystery of the opposite sex". Want to learn about simple ways to relate with the opposite sex, have more fun dating and discover how you can get all your needs met? Then check out her website, , to find out more about how her Dating & Relating Weekend Workshop and to sign up for her FREE audio mini-workshop "5 Essential Steps For Dating Success".

©2008 Life Cycles Relationship Seminars Ltd., Copyrights Reserved

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