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Dating Tips of the Week on How to Meet,
Attract, and Seduce Single Women
"Dating Tips of Week" for April 14, 1997 featuring the latest dating tips for men on how to get more dates, improve your relationships and sex life, experience more love, intimacy, romance and surefire techniques, strategies, and methods on how to successfully score with hot & sexy single women.
Dumb Dating Mistakes Men Make With Single Women
Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne
Do you strike out with single women in the romance department no matter what you do? You can even be a drop-dead good-looking guy, but unless you know what is offensive to a woman's ears, you are likely to stick your foot in your mouth and make a fool of yourself and turn off women.
With today's single woman you need to know what she wants and then give to her without sounding phony. The following are some common mistakes men make when dating single women that turn women off:
- When talking to or about single women, are you still living back in time and calling them babes, broads, chicks, or something even more repulsive? Always call a woman by her name! If you use these terms mentioned, you will insult and turn single women completely off.
- When out on a date, do you spend all of your time eyeing other women in the bar, nightclub, or restaurant? Don't even think for a minute that she won't notice. She will not only notice, but may be so turned off by your behavior that she may never want to see you again. Always focus all of your undivided attention on the woman you're with. Treat her like a Princess and she will make you her Prince.
- Another common mistake men make early in a relationship with a single woman is being too sexually aggressive. After just meeting a woman you don't want to come on all hot & horny and all you can focus on is jumping her bones and pawing at her body. This kind of behavior can scare women and turn them off. They usually don't like a complete stranger pawing at their bodies and making sexual overtones. Get to know her first to where she is comfortable with you and then make your physical moves.
- When talking to a woman, do find yourself concentrating totally on her breasts? This is a real no no! Always look women in the eyes when talking to her. Believe me, if all you can do is stare at her breasts, she will catch on to it and will ditch you as soon as possible. Women don't like men who constantly stare at their breasts. In a topless club it's OK, but not when you just meet a woman or in the early stages of dating.
- If a woman wants to be independent, let her. For instance, if she wants to change her own flat tire, let her. If she wants to open her own door, let her. If she wants to order her own food or wine, let her. Let her assert her independence. It will make a good impression on her. You're making a big mistake if you want to act Macho all the time and not let her act independent if this is what she desires.
- Some misguided men think it's sexy and cool to brag about what a great lover they have been to their other girlfriends, about getting high on drugs, or how good they can hold their liquor. You are not impressing women with this. As a matter a fact, she will probably find that you are obnoxious and potentially dangerous.
In closing, if you are making any of these dating blunders and displaying these offensive habits, get them corrected immediately. I hate to keep pounding this into your head, but if you turn women off, you are stacking the odds against yourself in successfully meeting, dating, attracting, and seducing single women.
P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:
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