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"Dating Tips of Week" for April 30, 2001 featuring the latest dating tips for men on how to get more dates, improve your relationships and sex life, experience more love, intimacy, romance and surefire techniques, strategies, and methods on how to successfully score with hot & sexy single women. Your Magic Wand by Allen ThompsonCopyright 1998, 1999What red-blooded male hasn't at one time or another dreamed of having a magic wand? A wand which would instantly turn you into the most charming, irresistible hunk of manhood this side of Robert Redford. Or perhaps a word or phrase that you could utter to create a magical, sensual effect on the woman you're talking to. Or maybe a particular behavior, such as snapping your fingers, which would instantly fill any woman you wanted with feelings of infatuation, love, and lust for YOU. You wouldn't want to be completely irresistible. Oh, no. That would be far too much trouble. You'd have girls that you're not interested in chasing you all over the place. You simply want to be charming and irresistible to all the girls you are attracted to. A wand, a word, or a simple behavior that would instantly turn you into a charismatic and irresistible Don Juan. Yes, life would be good! Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement. No, I'm not talking about some kind of mythical aphrodisiac. I'm not talking about a pheromone cologne, or some kind of pill you slip into her drink. No, this is much easier and simpler. It doesn't cost you anything and it's something that any man can master. Now I'm not talking about just any smile. I'm not talking about that pathetic little smirk of yours that makes you look more scary than friendly. But a big, face-consuming, I-feel-good-about-life-and-I-like-you-too kind of grin that will instantly light up any room (and any woman) that you "point it" at. Never forget that women are irresistibly drawn to smiling guys. They flirt with smiling guys. Date smiling guys. Have sex with smiling guys. Marry smiling guys. And live happily ever after with smiling guys. And why do they have this infatuation with smiling guys? Well, smiling communicates (in an obvious manner) that you're a positive, optimistic person. That you're a person who has fun and enjoys life. That you're confident. That you're mature, expressive, and don't hide your feelings. And, most importantly, smiling says that you like and are attracted to her. (You don't smile at people you don't like, do you?) One other thing: smiling makes you more physically attractive. I'm sure you know at least one girl that you're attracted to, but you're not sure exactly why. Physically, she has neither a perfect body nor a perfect face. Yet, to you and most every other guy, she's beautiful, irresistible, and charming. Chances are she smiles a lot. So smiling make you more attractive, reveals your positive personality, and indicates that you like the person you're smiling at. So simple! I know what some of you are thinking. Clint Eastwood never smiled. John Wayne never smiled. James Dean never smiled. And they always wound up with the women. Well, friends, I'm talking about real life here, not television or the movies. Being a hard, tough, cold, unemotional, unexpressive guy may work in the movies, but it doesn't work in real life. And chances are, you don't look like Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, or James Dean either. But that's how most of us guys were raised, right? We were taught to be unexpressive and unemotional. We grew up trying to be cool, trying to be what we thought others admired. We wanted to be James Dean. We wanted to be tough, cool, and get all the women. Just doesn't work that way in real life. Want to see something really enlightening (and sad)? Go out to one of the more popular bars or nightclubs in your area. Try and peel your eyes off all the beautiful women and check out the guys for a minute. Notice how most of them are trying to attract women by being cool, tough, hard, unemotional. They think they can attract women by acting like they don't really care. Notice all these cool guys leaning against the walls by themselves (or with their equally cool, male buddies). And they go there to meet women?? Now take a look around the club at the men who are surrounded by women and are having a great time. What do you notice about them? Take a look at the way they dress, the way they walk, the way they act. But most importantly take a look at their faces. They're smiling, feeling good, and having a great time. They know they secret. They know about "the wand." "Well shucks, I'd be having a great time too if I was surrounded by women," I hear you muttering. True. But the secret is that they came into the club like that. With those positive, happy, fun-loving smiles. They didn't wait for the fun to start before they started having fun. They have learned not to "pursue" women but to "attract" them... by smiling. Remember, most of us have been trained since childhood not to smile, not to reveal our emotions, not to reveal vulnerability. Trying to "force" yourself to smile can be quite difficult, especially if you're feeling nervous, or "she" happens to be around. (You know who "she" is, don't you? (Interesting how some guys think smiling communicates weakness, when it actually communicates confidence and strength.) Smiling is like any other behavior. To get good at it you have to practice. And practice. And practice. Think about the simple act of snapping your fingers. Can you snap your fingers? Most people can't. The first time you try you'll most likely get a pathetic little "snuupff." Now try again. About the same. But if you practice some, you'll eventually be able to create an almost ear-shattering "KAA-SSNAPP" that will demand the attention of everyone around. You'll get so good at snapping your fingers that you'll almost hurt yourself doing it. That's what you want your smile to be like. You want your smile to demand the attention of everyone around. You want your smile to be POWERFUL. So how do you practice? Very simple. Just go into your bathroom or bedroom or anyplace there's a mirror and you can be alone. Look into the mirror and smile. Smile. And smile some more. Smile until your entire face aches. Smile until every muscle in your face is so fatigued that you can't possibly smile anymore. Then keep smiling. Yes, you're going to feel stupid, silly, and ridiculous. Great! The sillier you feel, the more you'll feel like smiling. And the act of smiling itself, will actually make you feel better and feel more like smiling. (This is an excellent exercise to practice before going out on a date, or out to a nightclub, or anywhere else you might meet a woman you'd be interested in.) You want your smiles to be real smiles though, not fake-looking smirks. So it helps to think of things that naturally make you smile or laugh. Maybe make a list of things that you can think about before you start. Keep in mind that "real" smiles and "fake" smiles ARE different. Fake smiles go on instantly, and disappear just as fast. They look fake. They look like a practiced behavior. They look insincere. They utilize mainly the muscles of the mouth and not the eyes and the rest of the face. And they look unemotional. Real smiles, on the other hand, are slower to form, and slower to disappear. They're fueled by emotions and emotions do not change instantly. They involve the whole face. They utilize more facial muscles, especially those around the eyes. And they LOOK sincere. By faking, I simply mean a smile that you can put on whenever you want. A smile that you can control. A smile which is not completely dependent on your emotional state. After all, you may not be feeling all that wonderful when the girl of your dreams walks by. So you practice slowly forming a smile... and slowly letting the smile disappear from your face. You have to train the muscles of your face to do this. It's not hard, but it does take practice. (We're talking about slow relative to a fake smile. We're not talking about slow motion. If you're looking in a mirror, you'll be able to tell when you get it right.) And the payoff for your practice and "hard work" will be enormous. Think about top professional models or top professional actors. They've learned how to "fake" smiles. Their smiles look real. And they can unleash them anytime they want. A magazine cover, a TV interview, the public, their fans. The world is literally at their mercy. And when you learn to smile, the world will literally be at your mercy too. You've stopped in at a local restaurant to grab something to eat with one of your buddies. An unbelievably cute waitress skips up to take your order. KAA-SNNAAP. You unleash your smile. Watch her face light up. Watch the special treatment you receive. Watch your buddy turn green with envy. (Don't you think you should forward him a copy of Don Juan?) You're standing in line at the grocery store. There's a very beautiful, yet very tired-looking girl at the register. You walk up and SMILE. Watch her face light up. Watch her whole personality change. She suddenly feels like talking. Do you think she'll remember YOU? Unleash your new smile at the office. Unleash it at a bar. Unleash it at the gym. Unleash it anywhere there are beautiful women you'd like to meet. Think of it as your magic wand. Think of it as "the secret" that you know that most guys don't. P.S. This article is an excerpt from the Don Juan Newsletter listed at: