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Dating Tips of the Week on How to Meet,
Attract, and Seduce Single Women
"Dating Tips of Week" for January 22, 2001 featuring the latest dating tips for men on how to get more dates, improve your relationships and sex life, experience more love, intimacy, romance and surefire techniques, strategies, and methods on how to successfully score with hot & sexy single women.
10 Top Negative Body Languages Signs that Single Women
Give to Indicate That She is Not Interested in You
- You lean towards her and she leans back away from you.
- She starts turning away from you.
- She doesn't make eye contact with you.
- She folds her arms across her chest.
- Double crosses her legs at the ankle.
- She touches her nose often while she's with you.
- A limp or hanging hand can indicate boredom with you.
- When talking to you, her eyes keep glancing at other guys around her.
- She makes no effort to talk to you. She doesn't reply to any of your comments, doesn't answer your questions, and doesn't ask any questions about yourself. Unless she just doesn't feel good or is moody this could indicate that she's not interested in you and you will be wasting your time.
- And last, she just come out an tell you to get lost, go away, go to hell, or ever worse, to fuck off!
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P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and become intimate with women, please visit his website at:
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