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Dating Tips of the Week on How to Meet,
Attract, and Seduce Single Women
"Dating Tips of Week" for October 23, 2000 featuring the latest dating tips for men on how to get more dates, improve your relationships and sex life, experience more love, intimacy, romance and surefire techniques, strategies, and methods on how to successfully score with hot & sexy single women.
Tips for Single Men Who Are Balding
This week I want to discuss the sensitive subject of balding. I know a lot of you guys freak out when you start losing your hair. So, what can you do about it? What I recommend is that you bald gracefully. And, you'd be surprised how many single women are turned on by bald men.
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I'm going to give you some tips to make you more attractive to single women if you are balding:
- If you have just a few strands of hair on top, don't comb them over to the side or forward. This looks silly! Just go ahead and shave your head on top. It will look much, much better.
- If you are bald on top, don't wear your hair thick on the sides. Just wear your hair real short and trimmed on the sides. It will look much, much better and give you that clean-cut look that single women like.
- Consider growing a mustache or goatee to draw attention to your face rather than your head where you are bald or balding.
- You know, a lot of guys are shaving their heads and going completely bald. This style is in and lots of women like it. Shave your head as an experiment and wear it around women and ask them how you look. Some men really look sexy when completely bald.
P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:
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