Answers to the Sex Trivia Quiz About Sex, Love, Dating, Romance, and Marriage

Listed here are the answers to the Sex Trivia Quiz:

1. 23-25. (any younger, they tend to be immature. Any older, they tend to be set in their ways).

2. Yes (One's senses are more receptive in the dark).

3. The intimacy.

4. Six times an hour.

5. Reading.

6. The man (women are quicker to regain their emotional stability).

7. No ( This indicates jealousy and insecurity).

8. Women (More than 70% of the time).

9. Yes (As long as the husband is reassured there are no threats).

10. 12 months (With weekly visits of 3 hours).

Well, how did you do? I'll bet some of the answers surprised you. I know they did me.

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