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"Dating Tips of Week" July 31, 2023 featuring the latest dating and relationship advice for men on how to get more dates, improve your relationships and love life, get more love, romance and surefire techniques, strategies, and methods on how to seduce hot & sexy single women. Dirty Little Secrets"Women trade sex for love, men trade love for sex." Old saying, often found scrawled on lavatory walls Some self-styled "playboys", the modern day successors to libertines and rakes, boast that "coming on" to every woman they meet yields them a fair number of seductions, just by the "law of averages". If but one in a hundred women submits to their blandishments and crude enticements, then they should do rather well in the long run. This flawed logic fails because these amateur lotharios rapidly manage to make themselves quite unpopular. They broadcast their unsolicited and usually unwelcome message to every woman within listening distance (this is somewhat analogous to "spamming" on the Internet, and even more annoying). They acquire a reputation as seducers and sleazeballs, and find themselves shunned by decent people. The more subtle practitioners of the seduction art, the "smooth operators", more skilled at stealth and less obviously aggressive, often manage to make quite a nuisance of themselves before being neutralized. Frauds, swindlers, counterfeiters of affection, heartless, spineless, irresponsible and cruel, they victimize the women they use and subsequently abandon. These men style themselves lovers, but beneath the masque is emptiness.