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"Dating Tips of Week" July 27, 2020 featuring the latest dating and relationship advice for men on how to get more dates, improve your relationships and love life, get more love, romance and surefire techniques, strategies, and methods on how to seduce hot & sexy single women. Relationship Article Pointers To Keep Love BurningIn this relationship article I'm going to give you some pointers, that if followed, could help you keep your relationship strong and loving. I will include a list of three things you can do that will make your partner feel loved and respected. One word of caution though: while this list focuses on how you can treat your partner, it's also vitally important that your partner does the same things for you. I'm not encouraging a one sided relationship. Those never work, or at least they don't work from the standpoint that one partner isn't getting their needs met so the relationship isn't a healthy one. In a strong healthy relationship both partners should be getting the majority of their needs met. They should feel love, respect, friendship, understanding, and desire coming from their partner. They should be giving those same things back too. So before you plow into the list I want you to take some time to evaluate who you are as a person. Make sure that you are able to give and take equally. This is so important because in most relationships one person is the primary giver and one person is the primary taker. That is not good. Ideally both parties should be fairly close to a 50/50 split between what they give and what they take. That's what I want you to strive for. Don't be the one who does all the giving, or most of it. And don't be the one who does all the taking, or most of it. Try to balance yourself and encourage your partner to do the same. OK, now on to the list: 1. Ultimately we all want to feel like our partner actually likes us. So make sure you take time to have fun with your partner. Share your day with them. Tell them the good things, and the bad things. Have some laughs together. 2. Help build your partner up. You don't have to lie...if they ask you if they've gained weight, and they have, you don't have to say 'no' but you could say that they look good to you. (by the way, never ask a loaded, stupid, question like 'do I look fat in this"? No good can ever come of it!) 3. Too many relationships lose physical intimacy, and I don't just mean sex. When you and your partner were dating you most likely held hands, rubbed each other's hands or backs, basically you couldn't keep your hands off of each other. You just had to be close and touching as much as possible. Don't let that slip away. Never underestimate the power of a gentle touch and other physical contact. And while sex is important, don't let all your physical contact become only sexual in nature. You should always enjoy touching your partners cheek or sneaking up behind them and putting your arms around them for a hug. I know that if you use some of the ideas I've given you in this relationship article that you can be one step closer to maintaining a strong loving relationship with your partner. Just try to maintain some of the wonder, and love you had for your partner when you first met. By doing that you have a much better chance of keeping your relationship strong and happy for your whole life.